Our Work with The King’s Trust

We were in Southampton last week, working with The King’s Trust to deliver our bespoke Get Into Construction course to a group of young people in order to support them with their entry into the construction industry.
We carried out our Emergency First Aid at Work course (as you can see in the action shot of our lead first aid trainer John!), as well as essential health & safety theory lessons, providing these delegates with the knowledge and skills they need to start work in the construction industry.

It has been a fantastic experience so far getting to know the next generation of construction professionals, and we feel privileged to have a hand in their development. We’re also thrilled to announce we’ll be working with The King’s Trust again in the New Year, this time supporting NEET young people aged 16-30 in Portsmouth to get into construction. More info to come!
To find out what we can do for you, please get in touch with us!