How to Adapt Workplace Health, Safety & Training & What You Need to Know.

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How to Adapt Workplace Health, Safety & Training & What You Need to Know.

At the moment, life as we know it is changing by the day. COVID-19 has changed our very way of life, how we work, how we travel, how we act, what and when we can do things.

I have been, as everyone else has been, following the changes that happen, on a daily basis & I feel that after the latest announcement from our prime minister, it is time to look forward to the future and consider how aspects of our businesses and workplaces will change in the coming months.

Construction and Manufacturing were told last night that they should actively seek a way to get back to work and in time, other industries will follow.

Training across the board helps keep everyone safe, knowledgeable & in control. However, training is one of the many areas where the approach will have to change.

It will no longer be possible to have a large number of workers in a conference room and deliver training face to face, this obviously used to be a cost-effective way to keep the workforce trained and compliant. So, we have to consider, how do we change? How do we adapt?

As businesses, you will still have to meet your training and compliance requirements, but what is the most cost-effective, engaging and time-saving way to do this?

I have, for a long time, considered that E-learning, is the way that we will ultimately train in the future. COVID-19 has forced this to the forefront in many ways. It’s likely that a lot of your workforce is working from home, E-Learning is a great way to make sure that your workforce can still develop, learn and improve.

If they’re not working from home, for example, construction workers, progress has been slowed and you can no longer congregate your workforce in large numbers. E-Learning can be done, anywhere at any time, so instead of losing time during the working day, a way forward could be to consider online training. E-Learning.

Although at the moment, you might not be considering training, it is definitely something that needs to be considered and adopted, in the coming months. Likewise, a lot of people have time on their hands, they might be furloughed, although they can’t work, they can still do training. Take advantage now, get yourself and your team ahead.

We’re here to help, provide solutions, in a time when it is mostly problems that are on our mind. Feel free to contact us for more information or visit our e-learning pages for more information